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K'aruk Arpay UÑA RAMOS K'ala Marka Inti Raymi Arak Pacha Savia Andina Quichua Mashis Machu Picchu Grupo Yara Pachacamac Peru Inka Luis Rico Pachamama Andes Tarahumara Arawi Raymi Alborada Del Inka Gaston Avila Los Yuras Antara Kollasuyu Nan Amazonas Laramarka Chuymampi Los Tekis Kallawaya Altitud Bolivia Los 4 Del Altiplano Grupo Horizontes Grupo Coca Los Laikas Americamanta Alaxpacha Los Andinos Expresion Atahualpa Wayra Grupo Femenino Bolivia Huancara Chopkjas Paja Brava Nazca Ayacucho Ecuador Manta Palisandro Inti Mujus Jayac Pasion andina Quillapas Takillakta Huayucaltia Nanda Manachi Chacras Ayopayamanta Raza Viva Los Corazas Ollantay Wankara Alpamayo Raimundo Thevenot SISAY Perumanta Charijayac Runakuna Los Incas Inka Karal Los Chacos Altiplano Inkuyo Llapaku Llaqtaymanta Indiogenes Inca Taki Juan Carlos Cadena Grupo Semilla Ecuador Musica andina Los Calchakis Bolivia Manta Ecuador Inkas Incantation Illapu Jaime Torres Sukay Rumillajta Awatinas Ernesto Cavour Grupo Aymara Inkari Raices Incas Walisuma De Los Andes Yara Ancient winds Andean Fusion Margot Palomino Markamaru musica Various Artists

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Rukanas is a five-member ensemble that performs the music of the Quechua people of the Andes mountains. Based in Toronto, they have dedicated themselves to preserving and contributing to their Andean culture by bringing their music to audiences across Canada. As the band says, "We think that our art is of great value, giving credit and respect to our ancestors. Rukanas is the continuation of the work of many other great musicians from Peru."

The members of Rukanas, all related to each other, hail from the village of Lucanas in the Ayacucho province of Peru. The name "Rukanas" is taken from the name of the ancient culture that existed in their region before the time of the Incas. The members of the group have each performed with many other South American music ensembles in Peru. They have been performing together since 1998, when they recorded their first independent CD.

Since coming to Toronto, they have performed at many festivals and events throughout Ontario, delighting audiences with the enchanting sounds of the Kena flute, the Sikus (pan-pipes), the ancient Bombo drum, the charango, and the guitar.

While firmly rooted in a rich tradition, Rukanas brings a contemporary approach to their music, incorporating traditional rhythms and instruments from Peru and other South American countries. Take a trip to Peru – listen to Rukanas!

Fuente: http://borealisrecords.com/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38&Itemid=39
Categoría: Music | Autor: inca (11.03.2010)
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