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Medieval CUE Splitter
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 22.04.2010, 01:38
CUE Splitter is a freeware tool that split a single big audio track, mostly an album or a compilation, into the relative individual audio tracks, using informations contained in the associated "CUE" file. Sometimes you can find a big compressed audio file (for example MP3, APE, FLAC, OGG, WAV, WMA, etc...) equipped with a small "CUE" text file that contain informations about tracks title, artist and length. Usually these couple of files are generated by programs like EAC (Exact Audio Copy), CDRWin, BPM Studio, GoldWave or similar. With CUE Splitter you can split audio track files without burning to CDR or decode/re-encode any audio data! Moreover audio files are automatically named using a user-defined "file mask" string, it's tags are filled with information extracted from "CUE" file and, optionally, an M3U playlist file can be generated (option enabled by default). If you like this software and you wish contribute, feel free to make us a PayPal® DONATION: take a look at the about form.

Main features: Supported audio file: uncompressed pcm WAVE, MP3, FLAC, APE, OGG, WMA, MPC, WV and TTA. Accurate VBR MP3 processing. Full support of DTS-WAV of DTS-Audio CD. Supported audio tags: ID3v1, ID3v2, Lyrics, Vorbis comment e APE. Complete support for Unicode, UTF8 and ANSI in every part of the program. Can load .CUE files written in Unicode, UTF8 and ANSI (any codepage). You can batch process a series of CUE sheet files at once Hidden tracks and sub-indexes are automatically detected. You can include the gap sound chunk (mostly silence) in splitted file. Various file access method to improve performance across different systems. Generated file names are automatically constructed using a user-defined "file mask" string (Press F1 or F6 for a "file mask" tutorial). Generated file tags are automatically filled with informations extracted from "CUE" files (informations can be modified on-the-fly). Automatically generates an M3U and M3U8 playlist file ready for Winamp (and others). You can automatically generate a new CUE sheet file at the end of split process! You can send all splitted fiiles into a common directory (press F6 to configure this feature). CUE sheet and M3U generated files can use a file mask! You can select only desired tracks for extraction. You can associate .CUE extension with CUE Splitter (menu File->Configuration or press F6) and double-click on .CUE files from Windows explorer. You can handle any number of custom "file mask" strings, as needed, directly from the user-interface (Press F1 or F6 for a "file mask" tutorial). You can choose a character case changer, used in file names and tags, between: "title case", "upper case", "lower case" and "sentence case". You can scan a single audio file or an entire directory recursively, to obtain file informations and detect audio errors (menu Tool->Audio file information). You can edit artist and title values from the user-interface using pop-up menu or double-clicking above a track (changes will not saved back to CUE file). You can create and handle your custom list of musical genres (used for tags). You can choose your preferred font face to use in the user-interface form. Multi-language interface: you can translate the software to your language using the buil-in translating tool (menu Language -> Translate...). Simple, light and straightforward user-interface. Tray icon enabled. Free :o)
Categoría: Soft | Autor: inca | Tags: Medieval CUE Splitter
Vistos: 1265 | Загрузок: 482 | Rating: 0.0/0
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